Thursday 11 February 2016

What is editing: history and development

In 1895 the Lumiere brothers created cinematography, cinematography was a three in one device that recorded, captured and projected motion picture. Although the Lumiere brothers had a great invention, soon after, Edwin S. porter come along and showed that film does not have to be one long still and introduced different shots to portray a story in 1901. However in 1908 D.W Griffiths film 'for the love of old' featured the first continuity cut when a scene cut, Griffiths then realized that emotions could be portrayed with different camera angles and places of editing and that it wasn't all down to the actors. Griffiths is also responsible for the creation of he close up.

Analogue Editing: Analogue editing was before computer editing, it involved cutting the negative and using sellotape to put the film into a sequence.

Establishing shot: This shot is mostly at a new scene and sets a new location and is used to establish the scene and whats happening. In this clip it shows the road and houses using a long shot to show what the characters are doing and to establish location. 0:06

Match cuts on action: In this clip the match on action shows the two boys jumping the hill from the front, then it cuts on action to the back of them jumping the hill, this is used to show action with a smooth cut that shows a sequence and gives you a better perspective on the film by seeing more surroundings. 0:40

180 degree rule:

The rule states that the shot can only go 180 degrees from an imaginary line, this rule is mostly enforced in dialogue scenes where two people are converting from one to another. This rule helps give the film continuity and breaking of this rule would be used for 'effect', if not it would make the film confusing and un-easy to watch.

Motivated editing:
this is where shots are carefully chosen to push the story along and get the audience more engrossed and and in belief of what they are watching. A motivated edit is an edit which is motivated by what you see or hear. It breaks the illusion of continuity , when there is reason for different shot a motivated cut is the least disruptive. when someone is talking about something in a film the audience expects to see it. 0:20 in the clip show an example of this as the boy looks round at his friends behind him the shot changes to a mid shot of his friend behind him.

Shot reverse shot: A shot reverse shot is a technique where one character is in shot usually talking to another character that isn't currently in the shot, then the shot reverses to the other character and will change as each character is talking throughout a conversation. This is not in my chosen clip.

Identification of main protagonist:

  • screen time: 74 seconds
  • close ups: 5
  • Reaction shot: There was a reaction shot of the protagonist at 1;05, this shows the boys face as the bike takes off the ground.

The construction of story line in this clip is strong as it shows evidently the main protagonist, not only shots and angles show this the character from first sight shows importance and stands out because of the colours  he is wearing compared to the other boys in the group who are wearing plane clothing. Shot variation compliments the clip because of the narrative of chasing it gives a good display of shots for example the low angle shot showing the bikes riding with the camera attached.
As the characters start flying on there bikes there is a use of cutting to soundtrack, as the boys take off the soundtrack cuts from suspenseful to graceful happy soundtrack that conveys with the change in story. cut away's can keep people interested and involved with the film for example it prevents the protagonist being in action constantly and shows secondary action which can affect the story. It involves cutting away to a different shot whilst action is still going on. This
is similar to parallel editing, parallel editing is where there is two story's going on and is edited to inter-verge in the narrative for example 'Silence of the Lambs'  shows a killer in his basement and a police force approaching a house and using a disguise to ring the door bell, it then cuts to the killer hearing his door bell and panicking etc. he opens the door and the police barge in on their shot and the house is empty and the killer opens the door to the main character. This type of editing is very effective as it builds up suspense and forces the audience to think and makes you surprised when watching it.

Montage is technique that is used to show lots of story in short succession, usually used for a motivation for the character in the film and is mostly edited with fast and motivational music this keeps the audience focused in the film and builds up tension in the story. For example this montage from 'Hot Fuzz' is effective because it is used to profile the main character without being too long and boring.

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